Department of
Project Title: Music Retrieval Beyond Simple Audio Similarity
Sponsor: Austrian National Science
Fund (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, FWF)
Project Number: L511-N15
Duration: 48 months (May 2008 – April 2012)
In cooperation with: Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI), Vienna – Intelligent Music Processing and Machine Learning Group
Persons involved:
Digital music archives have reached capacities nowadays that require 'intelligent' computational methods to assist the user in finding and retrieving desired music. Responding to these demands, the still growing research field of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) develops techniques to facilitate access to music. The previous FWF project L112 "Operational Models of Music Similarity for Music Information Retrieval" enabled us to deepen our expertise in intelligent music audio processing and assessment of musical similarity, and to develop computational methods that are now finding their way into practical applications. Additionally, we undertook first steps towards extracting relevant (meta-)information on the work of musical artists from the Internet. The goal of this new project is to substantially advance this latter work on Web-based music information retrieval, and to develop robust methods that can be used as a basis for commercially relevant application projects.
In particular, we will carry out research to accomplish 4 main goals:
Indexing Content-Based Music Similarity Models for Fast Retrieval in Massive Databases D. Schnitzer Dissertation, Johannes Kepler University Linz, October 2011. |
Content-Based Music Recommender Systems: Beyond simple Frame-Level Audio Similarity K. Seyerlehner. Dissertation, Johannes Kepler University Linz, December 2010. (Received Award of Excellence 2011 by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research BMWF) |
Text-Based Description of Music for Indexing, Retrieval, and Browsing P. Knees. Dissertation, Johannes Kepler University Linz, November 2010. |
Automatic Characterization of Music for Intuitive Retrieval T. Pohle. Dissertation, Johannes Kepler University Linz, 2009. |
Effects of Album and Artist Filters in Audio Similarity Computed for Very Large Music Databases A. Flexer and D. Schnitzer. Computer Music Journal, 34(3):20–28, 2010. |
An Audio-Visual Approach to Web Video Categorization B. Ionescu, K. Seyerlehner, I. Mironica, C. Vertan, and P. Lambert. Multimedia Tools and Applications, Special Issue on Multimedia on the Web, May 2012. |
Video Genre Categorization and Representation using Audio-Visual Information SPIE - Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2012. |
A Fast Audio Similarity Retrieval Method for Millions of Music Tracks |
A Music
Information System Automatically Generated via Web Content Mining
Techniques |
Exploring the Music Similarity Space on the Web |
Enlightening the Sun: A User Interface to Explore Music Artists via Multimedia Content M. Schedl and T. Pohle. Multimedia Tools and Applications: Special Issue on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies, volume 49, number 1, August 2010. |
A Simple and Effective Spectral Feature for Speech Detection in Mixed Audio Signals R. Sonnleitner, B. Niedermayer, G. Widmer, and J. Schlüter. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-12), York, UK, September 2012. |
Unsupervised Feature Learning for Speech and Music Detection in Radio Broadcasts J. Schlüter and R. Sonnleitner. In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-12), York, UK, September 2012. |
Content-based Video Description for Automatic Video Genre Categorization B. Ionescu, K. Seyerlehner, Ch. Rasche, C. Vertan, and P. Lambert. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on MultiMedia Modelling (MMM2012), Klagenfurt, Austria, 2012. |
Towards Semantic Music Information Extraction from the Web Using Rule Patterns and Supervised Learning P. Knees and M. Schedl. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Music Recommendation and Discovery (WOMRAD 2011) in conjunction with the 5th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys 2011), Chicago, IL, USA, October 23, 2011. |
Investigating the Similarity Space of Music Artists on the Micro-Blogosphere M. Schedl, P. Knees, and S. Böck. Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2011), Miami, FL, USA, October 24-28, 2011. |
Using Mutual Proximity to Improve Content-Based Audio Similarity D. Schnitzer, A. Flexer, M. Schedl, and G. Widmer. Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2011), Miami, FL, USA, October 24-28, 2011. |
An Approach to Automatic Music Band Member Detection Based on Supervised Learning P. Knees. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 18-19, 2011. |
Personalization in Multimodal Music Retrieval M. Schedl and P. Knees. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2011), Barcelona, Spain, July 18-19, 2011. |
Analyzing the Potential of Microblogs for Spatio-Temporal Popularity Estimation of Music Artists. M. Schedl. Proceedings of the IJCAI 2011: International Workshop on Social Web Mining, Barcelona, Spain, July 2011. |
Large-Scale Music Exploration in Hierarchically Organized Landscapes Using Prototypicality Information M. Schedl, C. Höglinger, and P. Knees. Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR 2011), Trento, Italy, April 2011. |
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Comparison of Human, Automatic and Collaborative Music Genre
Classification and User Centric Evaluation of Genre Classification
Systems K. Seyerlehner, G. Widmer, and P. Knees. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2010), Linz, Austria. |
A High-Level Audio Feature for Music Retrieval and Sorting T. Pohle, P. Knees, K. Seyerlehner, and G. Widmer. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-10), Graz, Austria, September 2010. |
Fusing Block-Level Features for Music Similarity Estimation K. Seyerlehner, G. Widmer, and T. Pohle. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-10), Graz, Austria, September 2010. |
Limitations of interactive music
recommendation based on audio content A. Flexer, M. Gasser, D. Schnitzer. Proceedings of Audio Mostly 2010, Pitea, Sweden, September 2010. |
Music Tag Classification based on Block-Level Features K. Seyerlehner, G. Widmer, M. Schedl, and P. Knees. Proceedings of the 7th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC 2010), Barcelona, Spain, July 2010. |
What's Hot? Estimating
Country-Specific Artist Popularity M. Schedl, T. Pohle, N. Koenigstein, and P. Knees Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 2010. |
On the Use of Microblogging Posts for
Similarity Estimation and Artist Labeling M. Schedl. Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 2010. |
and Unsupervised Web Document Filtering Techniques to Improve
Text-Based Music Retrieval P. Knees, M. Schedl, T. Pohle, K. Seyerlehner, and G. Widmer. Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 2010. |
Islands of
Gaussians: The Self Organizing Map and Gaussian Music
Similarity Features D. Schnitzer, A. Flexer, G. Widmer, and M. Gasser. Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 2010. |
Features Reduces Hubness in Audio Similarity A. Flexer, D. Schnitzer, M. Gasser, and T. Pohle. Proceedings of the 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010), Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 2010. |
Country of Origin Determination via Web
Mining Techniques M. Schedl, C. Schiketanz, and K. Seyerlehner. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2010): 2nd International Workshop on Advances in Music Information Research (AdMIRe 2010), Singapore, July 2010. |
Three Web-based
Heuristics to Determine a Person's or Institution's Country of Origin M. Schedl, K. Seyerlehner, D. Schnitzer, G. Widmer, and C. Schiketanz. Proceedings of the 33th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR 2010), Geneva, Switzerland, July 2010. |
Context-based Music Similarity Estimation M. Schedl and P. Knees. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Learning the Semantics
of Audio
Signals (LSAS 2009), |
On the Limitations of Browsing Top-N Recommender Systems K. Seyerlehner, A. Flexer, and
G. Widmer. New York, USA, October 22-25, 2009. |
Augmenting Text-Based Music Retrieval with Audio Similarity P. Knees, T. Pohle, M. Schedl, D. Schnitzer, K. Seyerlehner, and
G. Widmer. Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR'09), Kobe, Japan, October 26-30, 2009. |
On Rhythm and General Music Similarity T. Pohle, D. Schnitzer, M. Schedl, P. Knees, and G. Widmer. Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR'09), Kobe, Japan, October 26-30, 2009. |
Browsing Music Recommendation Networks K. Seyerlehner, P. Knees, D. Schnitzer, and
G. Widmer. Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR'09), Kobe, Japan, October 26-30, 2009. |
A Filter-and-Refine Indexing Method for Fast Similarity Search in Millions of Music Tracks D. Schnitzer, A. Flexer, and
G. Widmer. Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR'09), Kobe, Japan, October 26-30, 2009. |
The ISMIR Cloud: A Decade of ISMIR Conferences at Your Fingertips Grachten, M., Schedl, M., Pohle, T. and Widmer, G. Proceedings of the 10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR'09), Kobe, Japan, October 26-30, 2009. |
Informed Selection of Frames for Music Similarity Computation K. Seyerlehner, T. Pohle, G. Widmer, and D. Schnitzer. Como, Italy, September 1-4, 2009 |
Album and Artist Effects for Audio Similarity at the Scale of the Web A. Flexer and D. Schnitzer.Proceedings of the 6th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC'09), Porto, Portugal, 2009. |
Exploring Music Artists via Descriptive Terms and Multimedia Content M. Schedl and T. Pohle Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Semantic and Digital Media Technologies (SAMT 2008), Koblenz, Germany, December 3-5, 2008. |
Real-Time Synaesthetic Sonification of Train Journeys |
>>PDF PS BibTeX |
sound/tracks: Real-Time Synaesthetic Sonification and Visualisation of Passing Landscapes |
>>PDF PS BibTeX |
Oh Oh Oh Whoah! Towards Automatic Topic Detection in Song Lyrics |
StreamCatcher - Integrated Visualization of Music Clips and Online Audio
Streams |
Accessing Music Collections via Representative Cluster Prototypes in a Hierarchical Organization Scheme |
>>PDF BibTeX |
Frame-level Audio Similarity - A Codebook Approach Espoo, Finland, September 1-4, 2008. |
A Deeper Look into Web-based Classification of Music Artists |
>>PDF PS BibTeX |
Different Term Weighting Functions for Browsing Artist-Related Web
Pages by Means of Term Co-Occurrences |
>>PDF BibTeX |
A Refined Block-Level Feature Set for Classification, Similarity and Tag Prediction K. Seyerlehner, M. Schedl, P. Knees, and R. Sonnleitner. Extended Abstract to the Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX 2011), Miami, FL, USA, October 2011. |
Using Block-Level Features for Genre Classification, Tag Classification, and Music Similarity Estimation K. Seyerlehner, M. Schedl, T. Pohle, and P. Knees. Extended Abstract to the Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX 2010), Utrecht, the Netherlands, August 2010. |
Comparing Sounds and the Organisation of their Onsets in Time T. Pohle and D. Schnitzer. 6th Annual Music Information Retrieval eXchange (MIREX 2009), Kobe, Japan, October, 2009. |