Uses of Class

Packages that use DataMatrix

Uses of DataMatrix in comirva

Methods in comirva with parameters of type DataMatrix
 void Workspace.addMatrix(DataMatrix dm, String name)
          Adds a data matrix to the Workspace instance.

Uses of DataMatrix in

Methods in that return DataMatrix
 DataMatrix FluctuationPattern.getDataMatrix()
          Returns the fluctuation pattern matrix converted to an object of type DataMatrix.

Uses of DataMatrix in

Methods in that return DataMatrix
static DataMatrix DataMatrix.doubleArrayToDataMatrix(double[][] data)
          Converts a double[][] into a DataMatrix.
 DataMatrix SunburstNode.getTermOccurrenceMatrix()
static DataMatrix DataMatrix.jamaMatrixToDataMatrix(Jama.Matrix m)
          Converts a Jama Matrix into a DataMatrix.

Methods in with parameters of type DataMatrix
static Jama.Matrix DataMatrix.dataMatrixToJamaMatrix(DataMatrix dm)
          Converts a DataMatrix to a Jama Matrix.

Constructors in with parameters of type DataMatrix
SunburstNode(DataMatrix to, Vector<String> allTerms, Vector<String> coocTerms, double importance, double importanceMaxNorm, double angularStartPosition, int maxItemsPerNode, int maxDepth, double minImportance, SunburstNode parent)
          Creates a new SunburstNode.

Uses of DataMatrix in

Methods in that return DataMatrix
 DataMatrix MatrixDataFileLoaderThread.getDataMatrix()
          Returns the DataMatrix-instance into which the file content is loaded.
 DataMatrix AudioFileLoaderThread.getDataMatrix()
          Returns the DataMatrix-instance into which the audio file content is loaded.
 DataMatrix MatrixDataFileLoaderThread.getMatrixFromFile()
          Opens the file and loads its content into a DataMatrix-instance which is returned thereafter.

Uses of DataMatrix in comirva.mlearn

Fields in comirva.mlearn declared as DataMatrix
protected  DataMatrix SOM.codebook
protected  DataMatrix SOM.coOccMatrix

Methods in comirva.mlearn that return DataMatrix
 DataMatrix SOM.getCodebook()
 DataMatrix SOM.getCoOccMatrix()
 DataMatrix GHSOM.getCoOccMatrix()
 DataMatrix SOM.getDataset()
          Returns the data set of the SOM (that is used for training).

Methods in comirva.mlearn with parameters of type DataMatrix
 void SOM.setCoOccMatrix(DataMatrix coOccMatrix)

Constructors in comirva.mlearn with parameters of type DataMatrix
GHSOM(DataMatrix trainData)
SOM(DataMatrix trainData)
          Creates a SOM-instance with the training data contained in the DataMatrix trainData.
SOM(DataMatrix trainData, int rows, int cols)
          Creates a SOM-instance with the training data contained in the DataMatrix trainData.

Uses of DataMatrix in comirva.mlearn.ghsom

Constructors in comirva.mlearn.ghsom with parameters of type DataMatrix
CoOccurrencePrototypeFinder(List<String> labels, DataMatrix coocData)

Uses of DataMatrix in comirva.ui.model

Methods in comirva.ui.model that return DataMatrix
 DataMatrix CircledBarsVisuListItem.getDistanceVector()
 DataMatrix ProbabilisticNetworkVisuListItem.getDistMatrix()
 DataMatrix MDSVisuListItem.getDistMatrix()
 DataMatrix CSRVisuListItem.getDistMatrix()
 DataMatrix CircledFansVisuListItem.getDistMatrix()
 DataMatrix SunBurstVisuListItem.getToMatrix()
          Returns the Term Occurence Matrix

Constructors in comirva.ui.model with parameters of type DataMatrix
CircledBarsVisuListItem(DataMatrix distance)
CircledBarsVisuListItem(DataMatrix distance, Vector labels)
CircledBarsVisuListItem(DataMatrix distance, Vector labels, CircledBarsAdvancedConfig cbConfig)
          Creates a list item for an advanced circled bars visualisation given by its visu thread and its configuration
CircledFansVisuListItem(DataMatrix distMatrix, Vector labels, CircledFansConfig cfg)
          Constructs a new visualisation list item for a circled fans visu
CSRVisuListItem(DataMatrix distMatrix, Vector labels, CSRConfig config)
          Constructs a new CSR list item
MDSVisuListItem(DataMatrix distance)
MDSVisuListItem(DataMatrix distance, Vector labels)
          Creates a list item for an MDS visualisation given by its visu thread and its configuration
ProbabilisticNetworkVisuListItem(DataMatrix distMatrix, Vector labels, ProbabilisticNetworkConfig config)
          construct new list item
SunBurstVisuListItem(DataMatrix toMatrix, Vector termVector, SunburstConfig config, SunburstNode rootNode)
          Constructs a new sun burst list item for the visualisation list

Uses of DataMatrix in comirva.util

Methods in comirva.util that return DataMatrix
 DataMatrix PCA.getEigenvaluesAsDataMatrix()
 DataMatrix PCA.getEigenvectorsAsDataMatrix()
 DataMatrix PCA.getMeansAsDataMatrix()
static DataMatrix TermProfileUtils.getOccurrenceMatrixFromETP(EntityTermProfile etp)
          Extracts the term occurrence matrix from an EntityTermProfile.
static DataMatrix TermProfileUtils.getOccurrenceMatrixFromETP(File xmlFile)
          Extracts from an XML-representation of an EntityTermProfile a term occurrence matrix (a DataMatrix whose rows represent the terms and whose columns represent the documents of the entity, the values are only 0 or 1 - according to the (non-)occurrence of the respective term in the respective document).
 DataMatrix PCA.getPCATransformedDataAsDataMatrix()
static DataMatrix TermProfileUtils.getSubsetOfTermOccurrenceMatrix(DataMatrix toMatrix, Vector<String> terms, Vector<String> filterTerms)
          Given a term occurrence matrix (TOM) and a list of terms, this method extracts a subset of the TOM containing only those documents that contain all terms given by the parameter filterTerms.
static DataMatrix TermProfileUtils.getSubsetOfTermOccurrenceMatrix(DataMatrix toMatrix, Vector<String> terms, Vector<String> filterTerms, Vector<Integer> idxDocsContainingAllFilterTerms)
          Given a term occurrence matrix (TOM) and a list of terms, this method extracts a subset of the TOM containing only those documents that contain all terms given by the parameter filterTerms.

Methods in comirva.util with parameters of type DataMatrix
static Hashtable<String,Integer> TermProfileUtils.getNonZeroOccurringTerms(DataMatrix toMatrix, Vector<String> terms)
          Returns all terms as Vector for which the document frequency is greater than 0.
static DataMatrix TermProfileUtils.getSubsetOfTermOccurrenceMatrix(DataMatrix toMatrix, Vector<String> terms, Vector<String> filterTerms)
          Given a term occurrence matrix (TOM) and a list of terms, this method extracts a subset of the TOM containing only those documents that contain all terms given by the parameter filterTerms.
static DataMatrix TermProfileUtils.getSubsetOfTermOccurrenceMatrix(DataMatrix toMatrix, Vector<String> terms, Vector<String> filterTerms, Vector<Integer> idxDocsContainingAllFilterTerms)
          Given a term occurrence matrix (TOM) and a list of terms, this method extracts a subset of the TOM containing only those documents that contain all terms given by the parameter filterTerms.
static Hashtable TermProfileUtils.getTermsWithHighestOccurrence(DataMatrix toMatrix, Vector<String> terms, int max)
          Determines those terms that have the highest document frequency (highest number of documents where they occur) A maximum of max terms are returned (those with hightest document frequency).

Constructors in comirva.util with parameters of type DataMatrix
PCA(DataMatrix data, int dim)
          Creates a new Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and calculates it using the data matrix data as input.
PCACalculationThread(DataMatrix dm, PCAConfig pcaCfg)
          Creates a PCACalculationThread for training the SOM som which has already been initialized.
PCACalculationThread(DataMatrix dm, PCAConfig pcaCfg, JLabel sb, Workspace ws)
          Creates a PCACalculationThread for training the SOM som which has already been initialized.
TSP(DataMatrix distances)
          Creates a TSP-instance where the distances between the cities are given by the data matrix distances.

Uses of DataMatrix in comirva.util.external

Methods in comirva.util.external that return DataMatrix
 DataMatrix FileCoOccurenceCounter.getCoOccMatrix()

Uses of DataMatrix in comirva.visu

Fields in comirva.visu declared as DataMatrix
protected  DataMatrix VisuPane.distMat
protected  DataMatrix VisuPane.toMat

Methods in comirva.visu with parameters of type DataMatrix
 void VisuPane.setDistanceMatrix(DataMatrix distMatrix)
          Sets the internal distance matrix to the passed DataMatrix.
 void VisuPane.setTermOccurrenceMatrix(DataMatrix toMatrix)
          Sets the internal term occurrence matrix to the passed DataMatrix.

Uses of DataMatrix in comirva.web.crawling

Methods in comirva.web.crawling that return DataMatrix
 DataMatrix PageCountsRetriever_InvalidPCRequerier.getPageCountMatrix()
          Returns the page count matrix for the co-occurence of the search terms on web pages.
 DataMatrix PageCountsRetriever.getPageCountMatrix()
          Returns the page count matrix for the co-occurence of the search terms on web pages.

Constructors in comirva.web.crawling with parameters of type DataMatrix
PageCountsRetriever_InvalidPCRequerier(PageCountsRetrieverConfig pcrCfg, Vector searchWords, DataMatrix pageCountMatrix, JLabel statusBar)
          Creates an InvalidPageCountsRetriever for accessing Google-like search engines and calculating a page count matrix for the co-occurence of the terms in the searchList Vector.