Department of Computational Perception
Department of
Computational Perception
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz

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344.021, 344.022, 344.023, 344.030
UE, 1std., WS 2009/10

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Widmer
Dr. Markus Schedl

This class will be taught in English.

Important: Room changes until Christmas due to strike (see below)!

TIME: Monday, 14:15 - 15:15 NOTE: This is different from previous years!
START: Monday, 5.10.2009

Goals and Contents of this Class:

This exercise track accompanies and complements the lecture series Artificial Intelligence (344.014). Students will improve their understanding of the material taught in that class by regularly solving example problems (on paper).

Example problems will be distributed to participants; answers have to be handed in by specific deadlines; the results and potential problems will be discussed in joint meetings (place and starting date see above; precise dates will be announced in the first meeting).

Discussion Meetings:

The discussion meetings will take place from 14:15 to 15:15 at the following dates:

Sheet 1: Mo, 16.11. in HS 2
Sheet 2: Mo, 7.12. in HS 2
Sheet 3: Mo, 18.1. in HS 3

Questions, suggestions, complaints, etc. to:

Markus Schedl
Tel. 2468-1512
markus dot schedl at jku dot at

last edited by ms on 2009-11-09