Uses of Class

Packages that use SizeMismatchException   

Uses of SizeMismatchException in

Methods in that throw SizeMismatchException
 void DataMatrix.addRowValues(Vector<Double> data, int row)
          Adds the values of the Vector data to the row-values of the matrix indicated by the argument row.
 void DataMatrix.insertRow(Vector<Double> data, int index)
          Inserts a row at the given index.
 void DataMatrix.setRowValues(Vector<Double> data, int row)
          Sets a specific row in the DataMatrix.
 void DataMatrix.setValueAtPos(Double value, int row, int col)
          Sets the value at a specific position of the DataMatrix-instance.

Uses of SizeMismatchException in comirva.mlearn

Methods in comirva.mlearn that throw SizeMismatchException
static double SOM.euclideanDistance(Vector<Double> item1, Vector<Double> item2)
          Calculates and returns the Euclidean distance between the data vectors item1 and item2.
 void SOM.setAltLabels(Vector<String> labels)
 void SOM.setLabels(Vector<String> labels)
          Sets the labels, i.e. the descriptions for the data items, of the SOM.
 Vector<Double> SOM.vectorDistance(Vector<Double> item1, Vector<Double> item2)
          Calculates and returns a Vector containing the pairwise distances between the data vectors item1 and item2.
 Vector<Double> SOM.vectorDistanceMultiply(Vector<Double> item1, Vector<Double> item2, double multi)
          Calculates a Vector containing the pairwise distances between the data vectors item1 and item2.

Uses of SizeMismatchException in comirva.web.text.similarity

Methods in comirva.web.text.similarity that throw SizeMismatchException
protected  float SimMeasure_OverlapSimWhitman.getSimilarity_intern(float[] item1, float[] item2)
protected  float SimMeasure_OverlapSim.getSimilarity_intern(float[] item1, float[] item2)
          Calculates and returns the similarity as overlap formulation.
protected  float SimMeasure_JeffreyDist.getSimilarity_intern(float[] a, float[] b)
protected  float SimMeasure_JaccardCoefficient.getSimilarity_intern(float[] item1, float[] item2)
          Calculates and returns Jaccard coefficent.
protected  float SimMeasure_InnerProduct.getSimilarity_intern(float[] item1, float[] item2)
          Calculates and returns the inner product similarity.
protected  float SimMeasure_Euclidean.getSimilarity_intern(float[] item1, float[] item2)
          Calculates and returns the Euclidean distance between two float[] data vectors item1 and item2.
protected  float SimMeasure_DiceCoefficient.getSimilarity_intern(float[] item1, float[] item2)
          Calculates and returns Dice coefficent.
protected  float SimMeasure_CosineSim.getSimilarity_intern(float[] item1, float[] item2)
          Calculates and returns the [0,1]-normalized cosine similarity.
protected abstract  float SimMeasure.getSimilarity_intern(float[] a, float[] b)
          return the computed similarity (or distance, respectively) between the two vectors.
 float SimMeasure.getSimilarity(float[] a, float[] b)