Uses of Class

Packages that use SOMConfig

Uses of SOMConfig in comirva.config.defaults

Subclasses of SOMConfig in comirva.config.defaults
 class SOMDefaultConfig
          Default configuration for SOM

Uses of SOMConfig in comirva.mlearn

Fields in comirva.mlearn declared as SOMConfig
(package private)  SOMConfig SOMTrainingThread.somCfg

Constructors in comirva.mlearn with parameters of type SOMConfig
SOMTrainingThread(SOM som, SOMConfig somCfg, JLabel sb)
          Creates a SOMTrainingThread for training the SOM som which has already been initialized.
SOMTrainingThread(SOM som, SOMConfig somCfg, JLabel sb, JProgressBar pb)
          Creates a SOMTrainingThread for training the SOM som which has already been initialized.

Uses of SOMConfig in comirva.ui

Methods in comirva.ui with parameters of type SOMConfig
 void SOMCreationDialog.setConfig(SOMConfig somCfg)
          Sets the values of the configuration dialog to the ones specified by the given SOMConfig-instance.

Uses of SOMConfig in comirva.visu

Fields in comirva.visu declared as SOMConfig
protected  SOMConfig VisuPane.somCfg

Methods in comirva.visu that return SOMConfig
 SOMConfig VisuPane.getSOMConfig()
          Returns the configuration for a SOM-Calculation.

Methods in comirva.visu with parameters of type SOMConfig
 void VisuPane.setSOMConfig(SOMConfig somCfg)
          Sets the configuration for a SOM-Calculation.