Uses of Class

Packages that use Matrix   

Uses of Matrix in

Methods in that return Matrix
protected  Matrix SpectralPatternCentExtractor.createPattern(double[][] block)
          Computes the fluctuation pattern for a short piece of audio.
protected  Matrix FluctuationPatternExtractor.createPattern(double[][] sone)
          Computes the fluctuation pattern for a short piece of audio.
protected  Matrix FluctuationPatternCentExtractor.createPattern(double[][] spectrum)
          Computes the fluctuation pattern for a short piece of audio.
protected  Matrix SpectralPatternCentExtractor.getSpectralPatterns()
          Splits the audio stream in short segments and computes a fluctuation pattern for every third segment.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Matrix
protected  Vector<Matrix> FluctuationPatternExtractor.getFluctuationPatterns()
          Splits the audio stream in short segments and computes a fluctuation pattern for every third segment.
protected  Vector<Matrix> FluctuationPatternCentExtractor.getFluctuationPatterns()
          Splits the audio stream in short segments and computes a fluctuation pattern for every third segment.

Uses of Matrix in

Fields in declared as Matrix
protected  Matrix MandelEllis.covarMatrix
protected  Matrix MandelEllis.covarMatrixInv
          the inverted covarMatrix, stored for computational efficiency
protected  Matrix SpectralPatternCent.m
protected  Matrix FluctuationPatternCent.m
protected  Matrix FluctuationPattern.m
protected  Matrix MandelEllis.mean
          a row vector

Methods in that return Matrix
 Matrix SpectralPatternCent.getMatrix()
          Returns the fluctuation pattern matrix.
 Matrix FluctuationPatternCent.getMatrix()
          Returns the fluctuation pattern matrix.
 Matrix FluctuationPattern.getMatrix()
          Returns the fluctuation pattern matrix.

Constructors in with parameters of type Matrix
FluctuationPattern(Matrix m)
          A matrix describing the rhythmic structure of a song in various frequency bands known as fluctuation patterns.
FluctuationPatternCent(Matrix m)
          A matrix describing the rhythmic structure of a song in various frequency bands known as fluctuation patterns.
MandelEllis(Matrix covarMatrix, Matrix mean)
          "Gaussian Mixture Model for Mandel / Ellis algorithm" This class holds the features needed for the Mandel Ellis algorithm: One full covariance matrix, and the mean of all MFCCS.
SpectralPatternCent(Matrix m)
          A matrix describing the rhythmic structure of a song in various frequency bands known as fluctuation patterns.

Uses of Matrix in

Fields in declared as Matrix
protected  Matrix[]

Methods in that return Matrix
 Matrix PointList.get(int i)
          Returns the i-th point in this list.
 Matrix PointList.getMean()
          Returns a vector containing the means of each coordinate.
 Matrix PointList.getVariance()
          Returns a vector containing the variance of each coordinate.

Uses of Matrix in

Methods in that return Matrix
 Matrix GaussianComponent.getMean()
          For testing purpose only.
 Matrix GaussianMixture.getMean(int numberOfComponent)
          For testing purpose only.

Methods in with parameters of type Matrix
 double GaussianMixture.getProbability(Matrix x)
          Returns the probability of a single sample point under the assumption that it was draw from the distribution represented by this GMM.
 double GaussianComponent.getWeightedSampleProbability(Matrix x)
          Returns the probability of drawing the given sample from this n-dimensional gaussian distribution weighted with the prior probability of this component.

Constructors in with parameters of type Matrix
GaussianComponent(double componentWeight, Matrix mean, Matrix covariances)
          Creates a gaussian component and checks the component settings for correctness.
GaussianMixture(double[] componentWeights, Matrix[] means, Matrix[] covariances)
          This constructor creates a GMM and checks the parameters for plausibility.
GaussianMixture(double[] componentWeights, Matrix[] means, Matrix[] covariances)
          This constructor creates a GMM and checks the parameters for plausibility.

Uses of Matrix in

Fields in declared as Matrix
protected  Matrix
protected  Matrix[] KMeansClustering.covariances

Methods in that return Matrix
 Matrix KMeansClustering.Cluster.getCenter()
          Returns the cluster center.
 Matrix KMeansClustering.getDiagCovarianceMatrix(int cluster)
          Returns the diagonal covariance matrix of the specified cluster.
 Matrix[] KMeansClustering.getDiagCovariances()
          Returns the diagonal covaraince matrices of all clusters in one array.
 Matrix KMeansClustering.getFullCovarianceMatrix(int cluster)
          Returns the full covariance matrix of the specified cluster.
 Matrix[] KMeansClustering.getFullCovariances()
          Returns the full covaraince matrices of all clusters in one array.
 Matrix KMeansClustering.getMean(int cluster)
          Returns the mean of the specified cluster.
 Matrix KMeansClustering.Cluster.getMeanOfElements()
          Returns the mean of all the elements in this cluster.
 Matrix[] KMeansClustering.getMeans()
          Returns the mean vectors of all clusters in one array.
 Matrix KMeansClustering.Cluster.getVarianceOfElements()
          Returns the variance of all the elements in this cluster.

Methods in with parameters of type Matrix
 void KMeansClustering.Cluster.add(Matrix x)
          Adds a point x to this cluster.
 double KMeansClustering.Cluster.getDistanceFromCenter(Matrix x)
          Returns the euclidian distance of a point x to the cluster center.
 void KMeansClustering.Cluster.reset(Matrix newCenter)
          Resets all internal values of this cluster.

Constructors in with parameters of type Matrix
KMeansClustering.Cluster(Matrix mean)
          Constructs a new cluster.

Uses of Matrix in

Methods in that return Matrix
 Matrix Matrix.abs()
          returns a new Matrix object, where each value is set to the absolute value
 Matrix Matrix.arrayLeftDivide(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element left division, C = A.
 Matrix Matrix.arrayLeftDivideEquals(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element left division in place, A = A.
 Matrix Matrix.arrayRightDivide(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element right division, C = A.
 Matrix Matrix.arrayRightDivideEquals(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element right division in place, A = A.
 Matrix Matrix.arrayTimes(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element multiplication, C = A.
 Matrix Matrix.arrayTimesEquals(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element multiplication in place, A = A.
static Matrix Matrix.constructWithCopy(double[][] A)
          Construct a matrix from a copy of a 2-D array.
 Matrix NormalizedConvolution.convolute(Matrix A, boolean firstDimension)
          Perform the convolution of the given matrix according to the specified dimension.
 Matrix Matrix.copy()
          Make a deep copy of a matrix
 Matrix Matrix.cov()
          Calculate the full covariance matrix.
 Matrix EigenvalueDecomposition.getD()
          Return the block diagonal eigenvalue matrix
 Matrix QRDecomposition.getH()
          Return the Householder vectors
 Matrix LUDecomposition.getL()
          Return lower triangular factor
 Matrix CholeskyDecomposition.getL()
          Return triangular factor.
 Matrix Matrix.getMatrix(int[] r, int[] c)
          Get a submatrix.
 Matrix Matrix.getMatrix(int[] r, int j0, int j1)
          Get a submatrix.
 Matrix Matrix.getMatrix(int i0, int i1, int[] c)
          Get a submatrix.
 Matrix Matrix.getMatrix(int i0, int i1, int j0, int j1)
          Get a submatrix.
 Matrix QRDecomposition.getQ()
          Generate and return the (economy-sized) orthogonal factor
 Matrix QRDecomposition.getR()
          Return the upper triangular factor
 Matrix SingularValueDecomposition.getS()
          Return the diagonal matrix of singular values
 Matrix SingularValueDecomposition.getU()
          Return the left singular vectors
 Matrix LUDecomposition.getU()
          Return upper triangular factor
 Matrix SingularValueDecomposition.getV()
          Return the right singular vectors
 Matrix EigenvalueDecomposition.getV()
          Return the eigenvector matrix
static Matrix Matrix.identity(int m, int n)
          Generate identity matrix
 Matrix Matrix.inverse()
          Matrix inverse or pseudoinverse
 Matrix Matrix.mean(int dim)
          Returns the mean values along the specified dimension.
 Matrix Matrix.minus(Matrix B)
          C = A - B
 Matrix Matrix.minusEquals(Matrix B)
          A = A - B
 Matrix B)
          C = A + B
 Matrix Matrix.plusEquals(Matrix B)
          A = A + B
 Matrix Matrix.pow(double exp)
          X.powEquals() calculates the power of each element of the matrix.
static Matrix Matrix.random(int m, int n)
          Generate matrix with random elements
static Matrix Matrix.readCSV(InputStream inputStream)
 Matrix QRDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
          Least squares solution of A*X = B
 Matrix Matrix.solve(Matrix B)
          Solve A*X = B
 Matrix LUDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
          Solve A*X = B
 Matrix CholeskyDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
          Solve A*X = B
 Matrix Matrix.solveTranspose(Matrix B)
          Solve X*A = B, which is also A'*X' = B'
 Matrix Matrix.times(double s)
          Multiply a matrix by a scalar, C = s*A
 Matrix Matrix.times(Matrix B)
          Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
 Matrix Matrix.timesEquals(double s)
          Multiply a matrix by a scalar in place, A = s*A
 Matrix Matrix.timesTriangular(Matrix B)
          Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B B being a triangular matrix Note: Actually the matrix should be a column orienten, upper triangular matrix but use the row oriented, lower triangular matrix instead (transposed), because this is faster due to the easyer array access.
 Matrix Matrix.transpose()
          Matrix transpose.
 Matrix Matrix.uminus()
          Unary minus

Methods in with parameters of type Matrix
 Matrix Matrix.arrayLeftDivide(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element left division, C = A.
 Matrix Matrix.arrayLeftDivideEquals(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element left division in place, A = A.
 Matrix Matrix.arrayRightDivide(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element right division, C = A.
 Matrix Matrix.arrayRightDivideEquals(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element right division in place, A = A.
 Matrix Matrix.arrayTimes(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element multiplication, C = A.
 Matrix Matrix.arrayTimesEquals(Matrix B)
          Element-by-element multiplication in place, A = A.
 Matrix NormalizedConvolution.convolute(Matrix A, boolean firstDimension)
          Perform the convolution of the given matrix according to the specified dimension.
 Matrix Matrix.minus(Matrix B)
          C = A - B
 Matrix Matrix.minusEquals(Matrix B)
          A = A - B
 Matrix B)
          C = A + B
 Matrix Matrix.plusEquals(Matrix B)
          A = A + B
 void Matrix.setMatrix(int[] r, int[] c, Matrix X)
          Set a submatrix.
 void Matrix.setMatrix(int[] r, int j0, int j1, Matrix X)
          Set a submatrix.
 void Matrix.setMatrix(int i0, int i1, int[] c, Matrix X)
          Set a submatrix.
 void Matrix.setMatrix(int i0, int i1, int j0, int j1, Matrix X)
          Set a submatrix.
 Matrix QRDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
          Least squares solution of A*X = B
 Matrix Matrix.solve(Matrix B)
          Solve A*X = B
 Matrix LUDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
          Solve A*X = B
 Matrix CholeskyDecomposition.solve(Matrix B)
          Solve A*X = B
 Matrix Matrix.solveTranspose(Matrix B)
          Solve X*A = B, which is also A'*X' = B'
 Matrix Matrix.times(Matrix B)
          Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B
 Matrix Matrix.timesTriangular(Matrix B)
          Linear algebraic matrix multiplication, A * B B being a triangular matrix Note: Actually the matrix should be a column orienten, upper triangular matrix but use the row oriented, lower triangular matrix instead (transposed), because this is faster due to the easyer array access.

Constructors in with parameters of type Matrix
CholeskyDecomposition(Matrix Arg)
          Cholesky algorithm for symmetric and positive definite matrix.
EigenvalueDecomposition(Matrix Arg)
          Check for symmetry, then construct the eigenvalue decomposition
LUDecomposition(Matrix A)
          LU Decomposition
QRDecomposition(Matrix A)
          QR Decomposition, computed by Householder reflections.
SingularValueDecomposition(Matrix Arg)
          Construct the singular value decomposition