Uses of Class

Packages that use Attribute   

Uses of Attribute in

Methods in that return Attribute
 Attribute TimbreDistributionExtractor.calculate(File input)
          This method is used to calculate the timbre distribution for a whole song.
 Attribute SpectralPatternCentExtractor.calculate(File input)
          This method is used to calculate the fluctuation pattern for a whole song.
 Attribute FluctuationPatternExtractor.calculate(File input)
          This method is used to calculate the fluctuation pattern for a whole song.
 Attribute FluctuationPatternCentExtractor.calculate(File input)
          This method is used to calculate the fluctuation pattern for a whole song.
abstract  Attribute AttributeExtractor.calculate(File input)
          This method encapsulates the attribute extraction process.

Uses of Attribute in

Subclasses of Attribute in
 class AudioFeature
          An audio feature is a special attribute designed to describe characteristics of audiostreams.
 class FluctuationPattern
          Fluctuation Pattern Description: The Fluctuation Pattern is an audio feature trying to describe the rhythmic structure of a song.
 class FluctuationPatternCent
          Fluctuation Pattern Description: The Fluctuation Pattern is an audio feature trying to describe the rhythmic structure of a song.
 class MandelEllis
 class SpectralPatternCent
          Fluctuation Pattern Description: The Fluctuation Pattern is an audio feature trying to describe the rhythmic structure of a song.
 class TimbreDistribution
          Timbre Distribution Description: Represents a similarity measure based on the song's timbre.

Methods in that return Attribute
static Attribute Attribute.readAttribute(XMLStreamReader parser)
          Supports reading Attribute objects from a xml input stream.