Uses of Class

Packages that use AttributeExtractor   

Uses of AttributeExtractor in

Subclasses of AttributeExtractor in
 class AudioFeatureExtractor
          Audio Feature Extractor Description: Well, this class simply exists to further emphasis the strong relation between the Attribute class hierarchy and the AttributeExtractor hierarchy.
 class FluctuationPatternCentExtractor
          Title: Fluctuation Patterns Description: This class supports the extraction of the so-called "Fluctuation Patterns" from an audio stream.
 class FluctuationPatternExtractor
          Title: Fluctuation Patterns Description: This class supports the extraction of the so-called "Fluctuation Patterns" from an audio stream.
 class MandelEllisExtractor
 class SpectralPatternCentExtractor
          Title: Fluctuation Patterns Description: This class supports the extraction of the so-called "Fluctuation Patterns" from an audio stream.
 class TimbreDistributionExtractor
          Timbre Distribution Extractor Description: This class supports the extraction of the "Timbre Distribution" summarizing the timbre of an audio stream.

Methods in that return AttributeExtractor
 AttributeExtractor TimbreDistributionExtractor.copy()
 AttributeExtractor SpectralPatternCentExtractor.copy()
 AttributeExtractor MandelEllisExtractor.copy()
 AttributeExtractor FluctuationPatternExtractor.copy()
 AttributeExtractor FluctuationPatternCentExtractor.copy()
abstract  AttributeExtractor AttributeExtractor.copy()
          This method returns a copy of an AttributeExtractor.