Package comirva.util.external

Class Summary
CoOcMatrix This class implements a co-occurrence matrix calculation using grep and already extracted html-pages
DuplicateFinder This class implements a duplicate finder for entries in a text file.
EuclideanDistanceCalculator This class calculates Euclidean distances from FPs.
FP_Parser_PlanetNepTune This class parses FPs for PlanetNepTune.
ID3Reader This class is intended to read ID3 tags from MP3 files using the MP3SPI library.
SubDirCategorizer Analyzes a given directory, searches for subdirectories and sorts the found subdirs into subdirs created from the first letter of the original subdirs.
TextFormatTool This class implements some tools for converting and formating text (especially HTML).
TopNItemsDistances This class only extracts the nearest N items (per item) from a complete distance matrix and stores them in another matrix into a text file.
URLRetriever This class implements a URL retrieval for queries to a search engine.