
Class Summary
AttributeExtractor Title: Attribute Extractor Description: This interface defines a very general attribute extractor.
AudioFeatureExtractionThread This thread is intended to do a feature extraction batch job.
AudioFeatureExtractor Audio Feature Extractor Description: Well, this class simply exists to further emphasis the strong relation between the Attribute class hierarchy and the AttributeExtractor hierarchy.
FluctuationPatternCentExtractor Title: Fluctuation Patterns Description: This class supports the extraction of the so-called "Fluctuation Patterns" from an audio stream.
FluctuationPatternExtractionThread Fluctuation Pattern Extraction Thread Description: Represents a batch job for extracting Fluctuation Patterns form audio files.
FluctuationPatternExtractor Title: Fluctuation Patterns Description: This class supports the extraction of the so-called "Fluctuation Patterns" from an audio stream.
TimbreDistributionExtractionThread Timbre Distribution Extraction Thread Description: Represents a batch job for extracting the Timbre Distribution form audio files.
TimbreDistributionExtractor Timbre Distribution Extractor Description: This class supports the extraction of the "Timbre Distribution" summarizing the timbre of an audio stream.