SoMeRA 2014: International Workshop on Social Media Retrieval and Analysis

in conjunction with the
37th annual international ACM SIGIR conference (SIGIR 2014)

Date: July 11, 2014
Location: Room 7

> News
> Call for Papers
> Committee
> Submit Paper
> Contact

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The International Workshop on Social Media Retrieval and Analysis (SoMeRA) is targeted at presenting cutting edge research on all topics of retrieval, recommendation, and browsing in social media, as well as on the analysis of user’s multifaceted traces in social media. In particular, novel methods and ideas that address challenges such as large quantity and noisiness of user-generated multimedia data, user biases, cold-start problem, or integrating contextual aspects into retrieval and recommendation techniques are highly welcome. The workshop will further foster the exchange of ideas between different communities, in particular it aims at better connecting the multimedia and recommender systems communities with the information retrieval community.


2014-07-27: A few posters and presentations online as PDF
2014-07-08: Preproceedings online; SoMeRA will take place in Room 7
2014-06-08: Program announced
2014-06-03: Camera-ready paper submission deadline: June 13, 2014
2014-05-29: Keynote speaker Prof. Tat-Seng Chua confirmed
2014-05-23: Notifications announced - 5 papers will be presented as talks, 6 as posters
2014-04-14: Submission deadline extension announced (April 25, 2014)
2014-03-08: Preliminary TPC included on web page
2014-03-04: Updated call for papers, dates announced
2014-02-20: First version of SoMeRA web page launched


The preproceedings are available for download. The final proceedings will be available through the ACM Digital Library.

Technical Program


 Call for Papers

Social media are fundamentally changing the way how we communicate. Nowadays, people create, share, and consume a huge number of multimedia material on the web and in particular on social platforms. Consequently, the amount of user-generated data (including content and contextual information of the users) has been spiraling during the past few years. Due to the fast growth of these corpora, it gets harder for the individual to find the media documents which satisfy a particular information need. When it comes to multimedia material in particular, the users might also exhibit an entertainment need, which may involve aspects of novelty, serendipity, familiarity, or popularity. However, current retrieval, recommendation, and browsing techniques often fall short to deal with multimodal user-generated data (including audio, image, video, text, and contextual data), in particular on a larger scale.
Satisfying the information- or entertainment need of users requires a comprehensive understanding of them, which can be gained to some extent by means of social media analysis and mining. Correspondingly, user models built from this knowledge will improve retrieval in social media, going far beyond text-based search which is still the most common paradigm. The gained knowledge also enables intelligently informed and enriched applications in various media domains.

SoMeRA 2014 solicits regular technical papers of up to 6 pages following the ACM author guidelines as well as short papers of up to 2 pages. Regular papers will be presented in an oral session. Short papers will be presented in a demo/poster session. Submissions must be original and not submitted to or accepted by any other conference or journal. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three Program Committee members. The review process will be double-blind. Therefore, authors must conceal their identity (no author names, no affiliations, no acknowledgment of sponsors, no direct references to previous work).

Topics of Interest

Important Dates

Paper submission (extended!)
April 18, 2014 April 25, 2014 (23:59, Anywhere on Earth)
Notification May 21, 2014 May 23, 2014
Camera ready submission for ACM DL May 30, 2014 June 13, 2014

Workshop Committee

Organizers / Program Chairs

Program Committee

Submit Paper

Submissions will be managed by EasyChair. Please create a user account if you have not already done so, login and follow the instructions to submit a new paper.


Markus Schedl
Department of Computational Perception
Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz
Altenberger Str. 69, A-4040 Linz, Austria

Tel:  +43 732 2468 4716
E-Mail: markus dot schedl at jku dot at

last edited by ms on July 27, 2014